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A Disciple of Jesus is always striving to live their life more and more like Him, by following the teachings of Jesus and the Church, and seeking Jesus' guidance on how to live and love better each day.

Ways to Live Like Jesus

Understand what the Church teaches about how Jesus wants us to live a holy life—and begin to more fully Live Like Jesus!


Form your Conscience according to Jesus and the Church:

  • Read Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount

  • Commit to the Precepts of the Church

  • Examination of Conscience

  • Write a Personal Mission Statement

  • Make a Budget: Monthly Giving

  • Describe/Draw: Saint Me


Ask Jesus in Prayer regularly:

  • Jesus, what areas of my life are You inviting me to change or grow in?

  • Jesus, what areas of my life do You desire to transform, heal, or save?

Seek monthly guidance from a chosen spiritual mentor on living a holier life.

We would be thrilled to listen to your story and give you personal guidance on how to live a more holy life!

Live Like Jesus: Text

Would you like to receive some personal guidance?

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