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Image by Joshua Ness



Nobody grows in the Catholic faith on their own. Community is essential for you in this journey. When we are alone we easily falter and fall away.

God calls us to Be In Community. Heaven is Community—Communion with God and all the Saints for eternity. It starts now. For this journey, and the rest of your life, remain grounded in Catholic community and friendships.

Having a Spiritual Mentor is extremely beneficial in the spiritual life. A good mentor will listen to you deeply, support you, encourage you, challenge you, and keep you accountable to who you want to be.

Learn to Pray: Text

Commitment of a Spiritual Mentor

  • Complete necessary training from parish.

  • Meet with mentee on a monthly basis to coach them in their prayer and spiritual life, for as long as both are willing.

  • Continue growing in your daily prayer and spiritual life. Receive mentorship or spiritual direction for yourself as needed.

If you have also been asked to be their Sponsor, you will need to attend the various Rites of Initiation with the candidate, or be represented by a suitable proxy when absent.

Guidelines for

Spiritual Mentorship

  • Listen very well and encourage mentee to share desires, struggles, spiritual experiences, successes and failures.

  • Listen for what the Holy Spirit may lovingly wish to speak to them through you.

  • Share from your own experiences and struggles to encourage and guide them.

  • Refer to training resources for content direction.

  • Keep notes and pray for mentee often.

  • Here is a helpful training workshop from the Archdiocese.

What does a Spiritual Mentor Do?

Choosing a Sponsor

Your Sponsor will stand up with you at every Rite on your path to full Christian Initiation. Your Spiritual Mentor would be an ideal Sponsor. A Sponsor must be at least 16, Confirmed, practicing, and in good standing with the Church.

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