Jesus preaches "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" In Greek, the word repent is the command: metanoeite, a combination of meta (go beyond) and nous (your mind). It means to have a new mind, going beyond your old ways of thinking. Jesus wants to completely renew our minds with His Truth! He commands us to get about that work. As followers of Jesus, it is so important that we study Jesus' teachings and truth, that we continually go about the renewing of our minds, going beyond the world's ways of thinking and being caught up into the divine mind!
Study Topics
The Truth of Jesus in the Catholic Christian Faith is so Beautiful! Come to learn and behold the beauty of this Truth. Be renewed in mind, so that God's Revelation can transform and take root in every part of your being.
To help you develop a well-rounded understanding of the Catholic Faith, we have made a list of topics that we encourage you to gain a basic understanding of. We have also compiled a variety of resources related to each one so that you are able to learn as much as you want in your preferred mode of learning (reading, listening, watching). We are also eager to teach you personally about these topics if you wish, in our meetings, in person, by video call, by email, or by phone!
We will help and encourage you to get a basic understanding of the following topics. Don't worry! The list may seem overwhelming, but we're not expecting you to pass a college test on these. If you can give us a basic 2-3 sentence summary on each, that will be enough. On the other hand, you may want to learn far more - and we are happy to help with that!​
The Creed
Son, Jesus
Life and Ministry
Paschal Mystery
Holy Spirit
Holy Catholic Church
Communion of Saints
Baptism and Forgiveness of Sins
Resurrection of Dead
Life Everlasting
The Bible
Old Testament
New Testament
How it was written
Catholic Understanding of the Bible
Other Topics
Purgatory & Salvation
Apostolic Succession
Scripture & Tradition
Church Teaching Authority
7 Sacraments
The Mass
Catholic Social Teaching
Theology of the Body/Sexuality
Would you like to talk to us about your questions?

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